Ah, the smoke has cleared and we find ourselves back in our beloved surroundings. We’re having a great time, but working too hard to try to fit everything in, as usual. I think next time we visit we’ll need a minimum of three weeks … maybe a month!

We got to spend lots of good quality time with Michael’s sister, her husband and our perfect nephew Ayden last week. There is nothing quite like morning snuggle time with a 4-month old cutie patootie, I’ve learned. I’m completely addicted.

Saturday we got to see my mom’s side of the family, then went to a surprise party for our friend Eric, turning 30. Sunday we visited our grandparents (now great-grandparents, though they were always great anyway). Ayden and Shawna came with me to my friend Jenee’s daughter’s birthday party that afternoon, and that evening we hit the lake again. Ayden is such a trooper. He held up better than I did!

We’re now up at Jess & Paul’s in Grass Valley. We’re working during the day at Michael’s boss’ house across the way, and we seem to have plans each night. Last night we had dinner in Grass Valley at a cute little Italian place. And then Jess gave me a foot massage. I am not kidding. It was so fabulous. Now if that is not sisterly love, I don’t know what is. I know my parents must be smiling inside hearing that. ;)

Anyway, I’ll keep posting pics at the gallery as much as possible. Hope you enjoy.