So I’m a little behind in relaying some big important news to y’all. Jess and Paul (my sister and her husband) have made it to San Antonio successfully. Paul was accepted to nursing school there on the first shot, after being denied dozens of times at numerous schools in CA (thanks to a LAME system). They arrived two weeks ago, and we flew in from our scuba trip just in time to help them move in. They’ve got a great new apartment that’s just a mile from Paul’s school. They’re both looking for jobs in the neighborhood as well, and are going to try to stick to having just one vehicle as we do. Yay for the environment!

Eating some wings after the big move-in

Eating some wings after the big move-in

Paul’s been keeping up with his new blog that’s great fun to read. So check it out to read more about their journey.

This really is a huge milestone for our family, that we’re all actually here in Texas. It’s been a rough year for most of us, for many reasons that were not in any way improved by our physical distance. The original excitement of our family’s Great Migration (aka Getting the Heck Out of CA) seemed to be temporarily sidelined as we dealt with the reality of leaving friends and family behind, and the feeling that the end goal – all living side by side in a better place – was somewhat out of reach, even if only for the time being.

Now that the family is here and success is once again visible on the horizon, the original mission does indeed seem possible.

Jess & Paul and Anna came up to stay with us last weekend (see pics), and it’s almost as if we were never apart at all.

As many families might sit around and reminisce on the past and precious memories together when they are reunited, our family now “reminisces” toward the future. (Ok, the tense doesn’t quite work on that.) But what I mean is that when we gather now, we speculate fondly about what the future will be like in this new place.

And the future looks bright.

Jess & Dad

Jess & Dad