Well, we’re almost a week into the tiling project. Of course, like all home improvement projects, it’s more work than you thought it would be. And everything takes longer than you anticipate. However, it’s turning out even nicer than we expected, so that makes it all worth it!

The two guys we hired turned out to be quite good, so they did the majority of the actual tiling on Thurs-Sat. They are experts at all the complicated cuts and laying straight lines, etc. Yesterday, Michael, Jer and I worked on our own. Michael and Jer measured and laid tile (Jer’s quite the expert with the thinset). I ran the tile saw like a champ and didn’t lose any fingers. I have to say, my corner cuts are spectacular.


The hired guys returned today and we’re really hoping to get the rest of the tile down. Everything we lay today has to set for another day, then we have to grout everything, wait for 2 more days, then seal. Then put all the toilets and appliances back in. Then touch-up paint the walls. Then reinstall the baseboards. Then paint them. Then caulk everything. Then clean up the enormous mess we’ve made. After that, a bit more paint and we can call this sucker done. Can’t wait.

Tomorrow, we’re probably taking the day off, driving Jer to the airport in the afternoon, then we’re headed to Houston for the Coldplay concert. YES!!