So, some very surprising news …  Jess delivered baby David last night at 5:02 pm. He’s almost 4 weeks early!

Mom & Dad with Baby David

Jess’ water broke yesterday morning at 6:30am. They made it to the hospital shortly after, and Michael and I arrived around 10:30. Labor contractions started around 1pm. The rest of the family arrived during the afternoon. Pushing began around 3:45 (I think!) David came into the world at 5:02. He’s 6 lbs 15.4 oz and 18″ long! A very big boy for only 36 weeks. Jess did an amazing job, was very strong and we’re really proud of her!

David came out with a slight fever and high white blood cell count. He’s had a little trouble coordinating his eating, breathing and swallowing all at the same time, so they’re keeping him in the NICU for a couple of days to monitor him. The fever is gone and all looks good.  His difficulties are expected due to his prematurity, so it’s nothing to worry too much about, but I’m sure they all would appreciate your prayers!

Here’s David with Grandma this morning. Perfection!

David Jedidiah Bernstein with Grandma