The last few months have been such an unforgettable time. Such emotion, such joy, it’s hard to describe. Being a part of Jess’ delivery in May was probably the most amazing experience of my life. I’ve yet to write about it, since I inevitably find words inadequate in each attempt.  But each little moment is forever embedded in my memory … waiting in anticipation with my family, helping Jess through the contractions and labor, seeing David for the first time, watching Jess and Paul instantly transform into loving, devoted parents, and seeing my parents forever changed by the birth of their beloved grandson.

Before David


David and David


We’ve enjoyed each tiny milestone with little David, who’s now three months old!

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Jess brings him here every weekend and we all take turns cuddling and loving him. It’s wonderful! Michael and I had our first overnight duty a couple of weeks ago and I was so excited I couldn’t sleep! Little David slept great, however! We’re now preparing for Jess to go back to work part time, which means we’ll be on more David duty which we’re thrilled about! (Well Michael would be more thrilled if he could actually wake up!!)

Fun 007

One of these days I’ll get around to uploading the hundreds of pictures we’ve all been collecting. Check out my parents album now, though, for ongoing pics.

I’m loving watching David’s personality develop. Like his Auntie, he certainly says what he means and means what he says. Just ask his glow worm.
